Press release

Views resubmits plans for Rusholme scheme

30th November 2023

Published by Lisa Ashurst

Today property developer Views announced it has resubmitted its planning application to Manchester City Council to transform 98 Wilmslow Road, on the curry mile in Rusholme, into a new mixed-use development with 5,500 sq ft of commercial and restaurant space on the ground floor and 42 apartments on the upper three floors. 

The original application was refused under delegated powers in December last year because of officers concerns around townscape and visual amenity, natural light, noise and car parking provision.

To address the planning officer’s concerns, design changes were made and Views commissioned a series of independent reports assessing the impact of traffic noise on residents, the levels of natural light into the homes and the impact of the building on the streetscape and visual amenity. The reports are submitted with the planning application.

Parking surveys undertaken by Views concluded implementing the Residents Parking Zone (RPZ) in the neighbouring streets, which has been moved back several times and is now due to be activated in January 2024, will create significant spare capacity once visitors to local businesses are prohibited from parking on residential streets.

Patrick Sheridan

Patrick Sheridan

Senior Development Manager

We believe we have addressed the concerns with our updated submission for 98 Wilmslow Road. The local area suffers from excessive on street parking, during the day and in the evenings, however the RPZ will really help tackle this issue. We commissioned parking surveys of the local area, these concluded up to 100 on street parking spaces will become available for local residents once the RPZ is up and running.

Patrick Sheridan, Senior Development Manager

“In addition, as part of our planning application we are proposing a car club bay adjacent to the site, two years free car club membership for our residents and £40 credit for each new resident, as well as restricting new residents from applying to the Council for an on-street parking permit.”

“Our proposals will deliver much needed new homes and a retail offering to support this ever growing, diverse and vibrant Manchester community.”

The site’s location on Wilmslow Road makes it highly sustainable, it is on the beeline cycle network, providing a nine minute cycle to the city centre and the closest bus stop is just 50m away providing easy connections to the city centre and Oxford Road train station. 

Views proposed scheme comprises six new ground floor commercial units, twelve one bedroom and thirty, two bedroom apartments. 

Designed by Manchester based Ollier Smurthwaite Architects the building will respect the local historical architecture of the area, especially the curved elevation on Grandale Road, a homage to the former Wilmslow Road depository (1870’s-1980’s).

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