Published by Lisa Ashurst

Views received planning permission from Manchester City Council at today’s Planning and Highways Committee (Thursday 25 July) for its application to transform 98 Wilmslow Road, on the curry mile in Rusholme, into a new mixed-use development with 5,500 sq ft of commercial and restaurant space on the ground floor and 42 apartments on the upper three floors.

The site was previously a tyre-fitters and most recently a café. Its location on Wilmslow Road makes it highly sustainable. It is on the beeline cycle network and the Wilmslow Road bus corridor, which is known as the busiest bus route in Europe with its own Wikipedia page.  

As part of the planning application Views has included a car club bay, with two years free car club membership and £40 credit for each new resident at the development, as well as restricting new residents from applying to the Council for an on-street parking permit. 

Patrick Sheridan

Patrick Sheridan

Senior Development Manager

We are very pleased to have worked closely with Manchester City Council to secure planning permission for this important site. Our proposals will deliver much needed new homes and a retail offering to support the ever growing, diverse and vibrant Manchester community.

Patrick Sheridan, Senior Development Manager

The development comprises six ground floor commercial units, twelve one bedroom and thirty, two bedroom apartments. Designed by Manchester based Ollier Smurthwaite Architects, the building is a contemporary interpretation of the historical architecture of Wilmslow Road, especially the curved elevation on the corner of Claremont Road and Wilmslow Road, and the former imposing Walter Carter Depository which stood opposite Banff Road from the 1870’s to the 1980’s. AshtonHale is the planning consultant acting on behalf of Views.

Published by Lisa Ashurst

Today property development company Views announced it will be holding a public consultation for its emerging plans to create 68 new homes at the site of the former Burnage Cricket Club, located at the corner of Kingsway and Mauldeth Road.

The public consultation will take place on Saturday 1 June from 11am until 4pm at the site itself. The team from Views will be on hand to answer any questions about the proposals.

Patrick Sheridan

Patrick Sheridan

Senior Development Manager

Our plans will breathe new life into the former Burnage Cricket Club ground and provide much needed new family homes to the area. We are working closely with Manchester City Council and would now like to put our proposals to the local community for their feedback, ahead of a planning application.

Patrick Sheridan, Senior Development Manager

Designed by Manchester based Ollier Smurthwaite Architects, and taking inspiration from the original Burnage Garden Village, each new house will have its own private back garden and front driveway with parking for one car. EV charging infrastructure will be provided as well as secure cycle parking.

The proposals could see 58 new family houses built, with the proposed mix being: 11 with three bedrooms and 47 with four bedrooms. The existing building on the site could be completely redeveloped into apartments. 

As well as private gardens, a significant number of new trees will be planted together with a range of indigenous flowers and shrubs that will attract and support birds, insects and bees. 

Since the cricket club closed, which it is understood was in 2011, there have been several attempts to develop the site which have ended in failure as there was no provision made for a replacement cricket playing field. So, in parallel to the consultation, Views is testing options to provide a replacement cricket playing field in the local area. 

As well as engaging with statutory stakeholders during the design process, Views and its team which includes planning consultancy Asteer Planning have distributed information leaflets to circa 1,000 residential and commercial neighbours to the scheme to inform them of the consultation.

From Friday 31 May until Saturday 22 June images and information about the proposed scheme together with a feedback form will be available at

Published by Lisa Ashurst

Today, property developer Views announced it has received planning approval from Manchester City Council to transform the 0.5 acre island site at 788 Stockport Road, Levenshulme into 39 new homes and 5,500 sq ft of ground floor retail/leisure space.

Designed by architects Ollier Smurthwaite, inspiration has been taken from the surrounding established Victorian terraced streets, while also addressing Stockport Road and creating a truly modern, mixed use development. A lot of consideration has been given to making high quality and inviting shop frontages for the eight retail units which will provide opportunities for local entrepreneurs. 

There will be 24, two bedroom and 12, one bedroom apartments on the upper floors and two, three bedroom townhouses facing Pennington Street. A 800 sq ft roof garden will provide a relaxing communal space for all residents, while seven new street trees will be planted to help contribute greenery and biodiversity to the adjoining terraced streets. 

Modern materials will be used to help make the new homes and business spaces as sustainable and energy efficient as possible. Bicycle parking is provided for each new home, 22 car parking spaces are being provided for residents along with EV charging points.

Patrick Sheridan

Patrick Sheridan

Senior Development Manager

Gaining planning permission for 788 Stockport Road is a very significant step for us to bring this key, long time vacant site back into use, providing much needed new homes and high quality, attractive retail opportunities. We hope it will make a lasting, positive contribution to the wider local area, particularly along the busy Stockport Road corridor.

Patrick Sheridan, Senior Development Manager

Matt Ollier, Ollier Smurthwaite Architects said: “This part of Levenshulme has so much potential with good housing stock, a rail station, a park and its proximity to the city centre. It currently feels unloved with vacant sites and badly maintained buildings in need of some TLC. Our proposals for 788 Stockport Road draw on the areas historic character to create a high quality landmark building that will act as catalyst for further regeneration in the area.”

Published by Lisa Ashurst

Today, Mancunian property developer Views announced it has started a pre-planning application public consultation for its proposals to transform 764 – 786 Stockport Road in Levenshulme into a new mixed-use development with 9,000 sq ft of retail and leisure space on the ground floor and 30 apartments on three upper floors, all set in high quality landscaping.

The proposed development will replace the existing unoccupied buildings on the 0.21 hectare site to create a sustainable scheme providing new amenities for the community, nine new commercial spaces for local entrepreneurs and ten, one bedroom and 20, two bedroom new homes. The final development will have a GDV in the region of £7 million. 

Patrick Sheridan

Patrick Sheridan

Senior Development Manager

We are very excited about our plans for 764-786 Stockport Road and we realise it is important to share them with our local neighbours before we submit a formal planning application. The site has been empty and under used for a number of years, and our proposals will deliver much needed new homes and commercial space.

Patrick Sheridan, Senior Development Manager

“We think it will be a sensitive and successful addition to the area which has an established, vibrant, diverse and welcoming community. We hope people are as enthused about our proposals as we are and we welcome feedback and comments.”

Designed by Manchester based Ollier Smurthwaite Architects the proposals are conceived as three buildings which step down from four to two storeys to tie in with the buildings either side. High quality materials, large areas of glazing and refined detailing will deliver a building of merit and provide further regeneration benefits.

Matt Ollier, Ollier Smurthwaite Architects said: “Our proposals will completely transform the site and this part of Levenshulme by creating a sensitive bookend building that will provide a much improved and animated street scape on Stockport Road which respects the heritage and character of the wider area.”

As well as engaging with statutory stakeholders during the design process, Views and its team which includes planning consultancy Avison Young will distribute information leaflets to circa 400 residential and commercial neighbours to the scheme to inform them of the consultation.

Published by Lisa Ashurst

Today property developer Views announced it has resubmitted its planning application to Manchester City Council to transform 98 Wilmslow Road, on the curry mile in Rusholme, into a new mixed-use development with 5,500 sq ft of commercial and restaurant space on the ground floor and 42 apartments on the upper three floors. 

The original application was refused under delegated powers in December last year because of officers concerns around townscape and visual amenity, natural light, noise and car parking provision.

To address the planning officer’s concerns, design changes were made and Views commissioned a series of independent reports assessing the impact of traffic noise on residents, the levels of natural light into the homes and the impact of the building on the streetscape and visual amenity. The reports are submitted with the planning application.

Parking surveys undertaken by Views concluded implementing the Residents Parking Zone (RPZ) in the neighbouring streets, which has been moved back several times and is now due to be activated in January 2024, will create significant spare capacity once visitors to local businesses are prohibited from parking on residential streets.

Patrick Sheridan

Patrick Sheridan

Senior Development Manager

We believe we have addressed the concerns with our updated submission for 98 Wilmslow Road. The local area suffers from excessive on street parking, during the day and in the evenings, however the RPZ will really help tackle this issue. We commissioned parking surveys of the local area, these concluded up to 100 on street parking spaces will become available for local residents once the RPZ is up and running.

Patrick Sheridan, Senior Development Manager

“In addition, as part of our planning application we are proposing a car club bay adjacent to the site, two years free car club membership for our residents and £40 credit for each new resident, as well as restricting new residents from applying to the Council for an on-street parking permit.”

“Our proposals will deliver much needed new homes and a retail offering to support this ever growing, diverse and vibrant Manchester community.”

The site’s location on Wilmslow Road makes it highly sustainable, it is on the beeline cycle network, providing a nine minute cycle to the city centre and the closest bus stop is just 50m away providing easy connections to the city centre and Oxford Road train station. 

Views proposed scheme comprises six new ground floor commercial units, twelve one bedroom and thirty, two bedroom apartments. 

Designed by Manchester based Ollier Smurthwaite Architects the building will respect the local historical architecture of the area, especially the curved elevation on Grandale Road, a homage to the former Wilmslow Road depository (1870’s-1980’s).

Published by Lisa Ashurst

Yesterday, Mancunian property developer Views learned Manchester City Council has refused its planning application to transform 98 Wilmslow Road, on the curry mile in Rusholme, into a new mixed-use development with 5,500 sq ft of commercial and restaurant space on the ground floor and 42 apartments on three upper floors. The decision was made under delegated powers.

The proposed development of the site, which was previously a tyre-fitters and most recently a café, was the subject of a public consultation in autumn last year and the plans received a positive response, which acknowledged its design quality and appropriateness in the local area. 

Patrick Sheridan

Patrick Sheridan

Senior Development Manager

We are disappointed to learn our proposals for 98 Wilmslow Road have been refused, despite the positive feedback from the local community and us having responded to requests from planning officers to make several changes to the scheme since our original submission. We felt the amendments and additional information submitted demonstrated the high-quality and appropriate scale of the scheme, which would not have negative impacts on adjoining properties or the community.

Patrick Sheridan, Senior Development Manager

“We are now reviewing our options, including taking the matter to appeal, and we expect to decide in the next few weeks.”

“The local area currently suffers from excessive on street parking, during the day and in the evenings, however Manchester City Council are in the process of implementing a Residents Parking Zone (RPZ) to tackle this issue. We commissioned parking surveys of the local area and it was concluded up to 100 on street parking spaces will become available once the RPZ is implemented. In addition, as part of our planning application we proposed a car club bay adjacent to the site, two years free car club membership and £40 driving credit for each new resident, as well as restricting new residents from applying to the Council for an on-street parking permit.”

“We remain very excited about our plans for 98 Wilmslow Road. Our proposals will deliver much needed new homes and a retail offering to support this ever growing, diverse and vibrant Manchester community.”

The site’s location on Wilmslow Road makes it a highly sustainable site, it is on the beeline cycle network, providing a nine minute cycle to the city centre and the closest bus stop is just 50m away providing easy connections to the city centre and Oxford Road train station.

Views proposed scheme comprises six new ground floor commercial units, twelve one bedroom, twenty-seven two bedroom and three, three bedroom apartments. The final development will have a GDV in the region of £11.5 million.

Designed by Manchester based Ollier Smurthwaite Architects the building will respect the local historical architecture of the area, especially the curved elevation on Grandale Road, a homage to the former Wilmslow Road depository (1870’s-1980’s).

Published by Lisa Ashurst

Today, Mancunian property developer Views confirmed it has submitted a planning application to Manchester City council for its proposals to transform 764 – 786 Stockport Road in Levenshulme into a new mixed-use development with 9,000 sq ft of retail and leisure space on the ground floor and 30 apartments on three upper floors, all set in high quality landscaping.

The proposed development, for which a public consultation was held in February this year, will replace the existing unoccupied buildings on the 0.21 hectare site to create a sustainable scheme providing nine new commercial spaces for local entrepreneurs and ten, one bedroom and 20, two bedroom new homes. The final development will have a GDV in the region of £7 million.

Patrick Sheridan

Patrick Sheridan

Senior Development Manager

We are very excited about our plans for 764-786 Stockport Road and we realised it was important to share them with our local neighbours before we submitted a formal planning application, and most of the responses to the consultation were supportive. 764-786 Stockport Road has the opportunity to offer a more diverse retail offering that meets the needs of the flourishing Levenshulme community.

Patrick Sheridan, Senior Development Manager

Designed by Manchester based Ollier Smurthwaite Architects the proposals are conceived as three buildings which step down from four to two storeys to tie in with the buildings either side. High quality materials, large areas of glazing and refined detailing will deliver a building of merit and provide further regeneration benefits.

Avison Young is the planning consultant on behalf of Views.

Published by Lisa Ashurst

Today, Mancunian property developer Views announced it has submitted a planning application to Manchester City Council for its proposals to transform 98 Wilmslow Road, on the curry mile in Rusholme, into a new mixed-use development with 5,500 sq ft of commercial and restaurant space on the ground floor and 42 apartments on three upper floors.

The proposed development of the site, which was previously a tyre-fitters and most recently a café, was the subject of a public consultation in autumn last year and the plans received a positive response.

There will be six new ground floor commercial spaces in the two buildings, twelve one bedroom, twenty-seven two bedroom and three, three bedroom apartments. The final development will have a GDV in the region of £11.5 million.

Its location on Wilmslow Road makes it highly sustainable, it is on the beeline network, providing a nine minute cycle to the city centre and the closest bus stop is just 50m away providing easy connections to the city centre and Oxford Road train station.

Patrick Sheridan

Patrick Sheridan

Senior Development Manager

We are very excited about our plans for 98 Wilmslow Road. Our proposals will deliver much needed new homes and a retail offering to support the ever growing, diverse and vibrant Manchester community.

Patrick Sheridan, Senior Development Manager

Designed by Manchester based Ollier Smurthwaite Architects the two buildings respect the local historical architecture of the area, especially the curved elevation on Grandale Road, a homage to the former Wilmslow Road depository (1870’s-1980’s).

Matt Ollier, Ollier Smurthwaite Architects said: “Our proposals have drawn from both historical and existing building typologies on Wilmslow Road, and by using modern, sustainable materials we are creating stylish homes for the local community. This is a key site on Manchester’s famous curry mile and our proposed scheme provides an opportunity to bring back some of the quality and grandeur that existed in its Victorian heyday.”

Published by Lisa Ashurst

Today, Mancunian property developer Views announced it will be a holding a public consultation from 11am until 4pm on Saturday 21 May for its emerging proposals for the future of 136 Withington Road, Whalley Range, formerly known as the Nello James Centre.

Views purchased the property from the Walton Cottage Education Trust in 2020 and is working with architects Ollier Smurthwaite to develop proposals for the refurbishment and extension of the property into 35 new apartments.

The three options for the site, which will be presented at the consultation, all retain the existing original building which dates to the late 19th century. Originally called Walton Cottage, after being a private family home from 1887, the British Red Cross used the building as an auxiliary hospital between 1914-16.

It is understood the British Red Cross owned the building up to 1971 when the Walton Cottage Education Trust purchased it, with funds provided by Vanessa Redgrave. It then became known as the Nello James Centre after C.L.R. James, a West Indian born cultural historian, cricket writer and political activist and a leading figure in the Pan-African movement. The centre closed approximately 10 years ago and fell into disrepair. In 2015 the local community tried to purchase the centre but were not successful.

Patrick Sheridan

Patrick Sheridan

Senior Development Manager

The event on Saturday 21 May is an opportunity for us to present our emerging plans to the local community and to receive their feedback. We are mindful that when 136 Withington Road was the Nello James Centre it provided a fantastic service for the community and it remains a source of inspiration and many memories for the people who used it.

Patrick Sheridan, Senior Development Manager

“While our proposals for the site are for new, much needed new homes, we are investigating ways in which we can create a lasting tribute to the Centre and we are very much open to ideas. 

“When they sold the building, we understand the Walton Cottage Education Trust agreed to reinvest any profits from the sale back into local community projects. We have spoken to and written to the Walton Cottage Education Trust but up to now they have not been able to provide definitive information on their future plans.”

As well as engaging with statutory stakeholders during the design process, Views and its team which includes planning consultancy Avison Young will distribute information leaflets to circa 1,000 residential and commercial neighbours to the scheme to inform them of the consultation.